Fetch Network
How to convert native FET to and from ERC-20 FET 🔄

How to convert native FET to and from ERC-20 FET 🔄

On this page you can find instructions on how to convert ERC-20 to native FETs and vice-versa. Visit the Native and ERC-20 FET tokens ↗️ page to understand the difference between the two tokens.

Let's get started!

Native to ERC-20 FET

  1. Ensure you have the Fetch wallet installed ↗️ and that the native FETs you want to convert are in this wallet.
  2. Ensure you have the Metamask wallet ↗️ (opens in a new tab) installed and that your Ethereum account is set up on it. This is where the ERC-20 FETs will go to.
  3. Go to the Token Bridge ↗️ (opens in a new tab).
  4. Unlock the Metamask wallet if instructed to do so.
  5. Ensure the Native to ERC-20 tab is selected.
  6. Hit Connect Browser Wallet and allow the token bridge to connect to your Fetch wallet.
  7. The fields will be automatically populated with the addresses on the two wallets. Ensure these are correct.
  8. Under Amount, enter the amount of tokens you wish to convert.
  9. Hit Transfer.

ERC-20 to Native FET

  1. Ensure you have the Metamask wallet ↗️ (opens in a new tab) installed and that the ERC-20 FETs you want to convert are in this wallet.
  2. Ensure you have the Fetch wallet installed ↗️ and that your Fetch.ai account is set up on it. This is where the native FETs will go to.
  3. Go to the Token Bridge ↗️ (opens in a new tab).
  4. Unlock the Metamask wallet if instructed to do so.
  5. Ensure the ERC-20 to Native tab is selected.
  6. The Ethereum address should be automatically filled in with the address of the active account on your Metamask wallet. Ensure that it is correct.
  7. Insert your Fetch wallet address ↗️ in the Native Address section.
  8. Under Amount, enter the amount of tokens you wish to convert.
  9. Hit Transfer and allow the Token Bridge to connect with your wallet.

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